Mission, Ministry, and Money
What is the annual general meeting? It is an opportunity for us as a church and an organization to look back at the previous year and celebrate the good things God has done, while also looking ahead to what the Holy Spirit is leading us into.
Who can come? Anyone is welcome to join us and hear what is going on at the church. We ask that all members come, as they have to vote and move any motions that may be made at the meeting. If you are not a member, you are welcome to ask questions, but you cannot vote.
What is a member? A member is an individual who has attended OneChurch for at least 6 months, has taken the Membership class, and has been approved by the Pastor's Council to hold membership at OneChurch. Our members are asked to faithfully attend service, serve in a ministry, and give. If you already doing all those things, then talk to Pastor Matt or one of the Pastor's Council about becoming a member.
What about the children? We will put on a movie for the kids in the Kidz Room to keep them entertained during the meeting.
How long is the meeting? We try to keep it to 60 minutes, though it has been shorter.